Vibrations are waves with low frequencies, Erschütterungen sind Wellen mit tiefen Frequenzen, caused by regular forces or shocks like:
- Vibration-causing construction site
- mine blasts,
- construction engines and industrial facilities,
- road and railway traffic.
Vibrations, transmitted by solid bodies, can:
- be unpleasent or harmful to human beeings,
- cause damages to buildings,
- cause disorders to sensitive instruments.
There is no regualtion in the Swiss Environmental Legislation which would define the allowed emissions and immissions of vibrations.
The most important regulations are related to the impacts on buildings (Swiss Norm SN 640 312a, edited by the Swiss Association of experts on road and traffic: VSS), and the vibrations perceived by humans in buildings (the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) suggests to apply the German Norm DIN 4150-2, edited by the German Institute for standardization: DIN).
End of 1999, the FOEN and the Federal Office of transport (FOT) edited at least a recommendation for vibrations and structure-borne noise of railway facilities (BEKS).
- Vibration measurement
- measurements and assessment of vibrations (transport systems, industry, construction sites),
- capture of fissures on constructions (for future proofs),
- concepts to minimize vibrations,
- dimension of insulation measures (Dimensionierung von Isolationsmassnahmen (vibration dampers).