Road traffic noise

The main noise source in Switzerland is the road traffic. The number of people exposed to road traffic noise is bigger nowadays than it was 10 or 20 years ago. The reasons are the use of bigger motor vehicles over time and the constantly increasing traffing volume.

The Environmental Protection Law (USG) and the Regulation on Noise Protection (LSV) are in force since 1987:

    Noise protection against road traffic noise
    Noise protection against
    road traffic noise

  • they obligate the road towners to rehabilitate the streets which are exceeding a certain noise level.

  • they fix the threshold values for new buildings that are constructed nearby a road,

  • they fix the threshold values in projects that change the function of a building or a zone and which induce an increase of the road traffic noise.

PPLUS offers the following services:
  • development of a road tarffic noise cadaster,
  • composition of noise rehabilitation projects (according to LSV),
  • measurement and calculation of noise evaluation levels of road traffic noise,
  • dimension of noise protection measures,
  • development of overall projects and execution projects in collaboration with urban planners and civil engineers,
  • consulting for the production of noise protection elements and the compilation of maintenance dossiers.

Offre d'emploi

Ingénieur(e) physique du bâtiment et acoustique Activités . . .

Certificat ISO 9001

PPLUS Sàrl a été recertifié le 08.03.2024
Certificat ISO 9001
Certificat ISO 9001:2015 PPLUS Sàrl
Certificat ISO 9001:2015 PPLUS Sàrl