Contaminated sites and waste

Industrial activities and the deposition of waste left important contaminations in soils and lakes during the 20th century.

Contaminated site
Contaminated site
There are more than 50'000 contaminated sites in Switzerland for which soils, waters and/or the air are impaired.

It is estimated the around 4'000 of these contaminated sites represent a serious endangering and therefore have to be remediated during the next 20 to 25 years.

The Contaminated Sites ordinance (CSO) contains regulations which ensure a uniform and economically useful treatment of contaminated sites among the different Cantons.

remediation of a contaminated site
remediation of a
contaminated site
The progress of the remediation work in the canton of Neuchâtel can be followed on the website of the Canton.

For activities after 1985, the Technical Ordinance on Waste (TVA) wants to prevent the contamination of the environment by waste in advance.

It wants particularly a reduction of the produced waste and an appropriate treatment of the waste through the according facilities.

PPLUS offers the following services in the filed of contaminated sites and waste:

  • the preliminary investigation which is generally composed of a historical investigation, a performance specification and a technical investigation.,
  • the detailed investigation,
  • the concept of remediation and the accompaniment of the work,
  • the management of construction site waste,
  • plans on waste management.

Offres d'emploi

Ingénieur(e) junior physique du bâtiment-acoustique . . .

Chef(fe) de projet Acoustique Activités Chef de projets . . .

Certificat ISO 9001

PPLUS Sàrl a été recertifié le 08.03.2024
Certificat ISO 9001
Certificat ISO 9001:2015 PPLUS Sàrl
Certificat ISO 9001:2015 PPLUS Sàrl